Machines for packing materials
Møn Maskinbyg A/S – Automatisering der skaber værdi
Machinery for metal packaging
Møn Maskinbyg A/S – Adding value through automation
Equipment for injection moulding machines
Møn Maskinbyg A/S – Adding value through automation
Machines for industrial bakeries
Møn Maskinbyg A/S – Automatisering der skaber værdi
Machinery for the medical industry
Møn Maskinbyg A/S – Automatisering der skaber værdi
Handling of packing materials
These machines are often part of a production line where the finished product is packaged in a plastic packaging, such as a tray, which is subsequently foiled. We provides these solutions to companies in the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the packaging industry.
Shaping and handling of metal packaging
These machines do often have several features but common to them is that they handle items made of metal in a production line. Either from a single operation or several operations in one work procedure.
Handling of items at injection moulding machines
Machines for handling of injection moulded items are typically devices that grab hold of and/or place an item in the mould in order to subsequently take them out when the moulding process is finished.
Forming and machining of products in industrial bakeries
These machines are manufactured to perform a wide variety of tasks in the production in industrial bakeries. The tasks range from preparation of dough, including cutting and forming, to separating and packing of the finished products.